Nine Foods Help You Lose Weight

Both dry and fresh chilli peppers are likely to lose weight because it is heat, promoting the consumption of energy. This explains why people like to eat hot food is often thin. In the chili has a lot of vitamin C and fiber.

About food, fat or thin is the story of everyday women. There are plenty of ways to apply them to solve the weight problem, which is a very wrong way fast. Do you always fast food cravings, weakened but still does not reduce the kilo. The following foods may be somewhat useful for you:

1. Apple
Apples contain no fat, no more energy, the index Glycaemicindex (GL - the index ranked foods according to the increasing level of sugar in the blood 2-3 hours after eating the food application with many carbohydrates) also relatively small. Apples are also a natural source of carbohydrates and contains sorbitol. So out work to reduce fat, it also protects your gut.

2-3. Beans and nuts
Many researchers believe that low-fat diet is not the answer to weight loss. It is best to add some vegetable oils derived from beans, nuts. With low levels of GL and fiber, beans have to lower cholestorol. Each day eat a small handful of peanut or soy, you can overcome them more easily done eating and dieting than its history.

4. Soups
To overcome the cravings, it is best to use soup before the meal. Soup contains more water makes you feel full and eat less. Moreover, its main ingredient is vegetable. Some French nutritionists have concluded that: "Those who eat soup every day usually slender than those used only occasionally soup."

5. Coffee
Coffee is a substance that can dissipate the energy is good. Caffeine affects the central nervous and heart. The researchers reported, when the body absorbs caffeine and red pepper, the combination of these two agents to help you reduce energy, equivalent to 4000 kJ / day. Coffee also helps overcome constipation disease usually occurs with diet.

6. Green Tea
Green tea is good for your waistline, and cardiovascular benefits because of anti-oxidant content is very high. Today, the combination of caffeine and green tea flavor can increase the heat, burning energy. It may well affect the status of your stress.

One study showed that coffee and tea warmer is a good influence for relaxation. When you no longer feel stressed, eat a lot of pressure also decreased significantly.

7. Low-fat milk
Calcium from food and especially milk fat can stimulate travel needs. This has been tested on a number of obese mice. Also, skim can fix them your appetite.

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8. Garlic
The study showed that the use of garlic in the diet in many people with high cholesterol will help reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and fat for 12 weeks. Has long been renowned as garlic can protect good health.

9. Seafood
Low-fat, high-protein, the seafood is always selected in most of the food diet. Personal documents to satisfy food cravings. You'll feel full longer, snack less than. Fish and seafood is also a source of iodine is important, this is a mineral needed for thyroid. Thyroid controls the basic metabolism. If it works well, the burning of energy you will have better performance.


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